Friday, July 9, 2010

The Whole Picture

So in dealing with chronic illness, I've come to realize that many of my body systems have run amuck. As I strive to move forward, it's difficult to keep my mind on the whole picture. I have found that something grabs my attention for a while but then I find that I have to step back again to look at everything. It's really kind of hard.

For example, it seems to be an ongoing game for me to try to balance the hormones, and I don't know if they will ever be totally balanced until I can get these darn infections out, but nonetheless, sometimes they are so off that I absolutely have to address them. When my thyroid or adrenals are haywire, there's no way my body can deal with detox or killing infections. It seems that I focus my attention on balancing those hormones for a time, but then I have to come back to addressing everything else again. It's really frustrating to know exactly what to do and when to do it, but I guess I'm learning as I go.

To help me with this process, I have found it really helpful for me to keep a record of my health issues and plan, to keep me focused on this big picture! Keeping records also gives me hope that I CAN get better even if it takes a lot longer than I would like.