I picture myself sitting in a beautiful concert hall, listening to the most amazing piece of music, when all of a sudden, some crazy violin player decides to take over and play grossly out of tune and twice as loud as everyone else. The audience stirs and I cover my ears. Without that balance within the orchestra, the piece of music becomes a complete mess to listen to.
I really think we underestimate the absolute power of hormones and hormone balance. On the surface, we tend to think of them as these silly little guys that can cause emotional trouble around our favorite time of the month, but in reality, they are amazing workhorses that perform unbelievable tasks that we should not underestimate. In order for us to feel well, they have to be working together in harmony.
I do realize that the hormone balance gets shifted as I work to remove infection and heal my body, but I'm hoping that I can at least achieve a closer balance right now. The balance may not be able to be perfect yet, but hopefully better over time.
I have a new integrative doc that I'm seeing next week, and I am very hopeful that he will be inspired to see what we need to do. I think it's time to really get serious about bringing these babies closer together to create that beautiful symphony that I'm hoping for.