Saturday, August 7, 2010

Getting Worse Before Getting Better

Clearing out the infections makes me sick. I've tried to find ways to avoid it, but it doesn't seem to be possible with my knowledge and experience at this point. I wish there was another way.

The concept of getting worse before getting better follows along the lines of the "herxheimer" reaction. When I work to get rid of the infections, my body feels crummy. And when I say crummy, I mean CRUMMY. They say there are ways to minimize the severity and I try all those tricks but in the end I still feel like I just want to crawl out of my skin and escape the experience altogether.

I've been trying to get better at learning to go slow enough so that I don't fall too hard, but it's a delicate balance and it's just not easy. Really. I get frustrated with all the "simple" information on it because other people make it just seem like it's no big deal. You just do "this" or do "that" and you won't feel sick. I do know that the organs have to be supported and the toxins have to be bound and then assisted out the body but it has never been a walk in the park for me. It just has NOT.

My doctor did a treatment this week that was supposed to be MILD...but sure enough...a couple of hours later I'm going through the sweating, shaking, twitching, nausea, chills, dizziness, total body pain, etc. etc. Oh man, I just want to cry even typing it. It is really hard. Really, really hard.

I do take measures to support my body during this time and maybe someday I'll be more skilled at gently assisting the garbage out while supporting the organs and systems, but I think it's a learning process and everybody is different. I have to listen to my body and my intuition to do the best I can. I have to remember that I am not perfect.

I feel like the conductor of a huge orchestra and I'm still just trying to get the darn musicians to practice so we can put it all together to create a beautiful piece of music.