Sunday, May 30, 2010

Leaky Gut

I know "leaky gut" sounds so weird. To someone who has never heard of it is a little bizzare. In my experience, the traditional medical community did not say a word about it, but I was so thankful when I found out about it because it has explained a lot for me about what has been going wrong. In my opinion, this is a major player in my healing journey and has not been easy to work through.

My favorite book on the subject was written by Gloria Gilbere, ND who is a doctor that experienced it herself. Her book is called "I Was Poisoned By My Body...I Have a Gut Feeling You Could Be, Too!" In her book she says, "Simply put, your plumbing system develops a leak, intestinal permeability, causing the intestinal materials and toxins to enter the body tissues, rather than being properly digested and carried through the intestines (small intestine and colon) to be eliminated. The leaked toxins then circulate to the liver, increasing its workload. The liver is now unable to neutralize the toxins or filter itself efficiently. If the liver can't deal with the toxic overload, it flushes it back into the blood to deal with at a later time."

I personally developed severe leaky gut after taking 10 + NSAID pills everyday while trying to deal with sinus pain that I now think was caused by yeast. Over time, I have developed allergic reactions to almost everything under the sun and am now working to heal my poor gut and pooped out liver and gallbladder. It's pretty messy and frustrating, especially because my body does not tolerate supplements well at this point.

I look to Gloria Gilbere for my hope that someday my poor tummy will be happier, but in the meantime, I get to enjoy a tasty diet of brown rice and veggies. I am so lucky! :)