Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Reasons Why I Have Been Sick

I want to get it out of the way....what I have, that is. I hate naming the disease states because, again, it makes it seem like I am stuck with it all, even though I'm not. The actual causes for chronic illness are a bit controversial, but I tend to think it's a combination of a lot of factors. So here is the list created by a mix of traditional and alternative doctors over several years of testing and guessing....

-Graves' Disease (Autoimmune Thyroid Disease)

-Severe Adrenal Fatigue and Hormone Havoc

-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Yes, this does "Fatigued to Fantastic" by Jacob Teitelbaum)

-Fibromyalgia (Same as above)

-Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (Yes, this DOES exist and if you think it doesn't, it's because you've never had it. When you have it, there is no doubt that it exists. It can debilitate you!)

-Leaky Gut (Yes, this DOES exist too, and creates major HAVOC that causes multiple allergies and sensitivities as well as major vitamin and mineral deficiencies)

-Systemic Fungal Infection (Yes, this DOES exist too. Traditional docs don't seem to pay attention, but I've been tested several different ways, including blood, and have found this to be an issue for me)

-Lyme Disease (I did test positive for Lyme. The whole idea of chronic Lyme is controversial. I absolutely believe in the reality of it but I'm still not sure if this is a primary issue for me or not. Time will tell, I guess. Or maybe not.)

-Other viral and bacterial infections

-Immune system disfunction

So that's basically the list. It's sort of "the chicken or the egg" on what's causing what, but I am carefully working through everything. I am working on cleaning out the bad stuff (lyme, candida, etc.) while trying to get the good stuff in (vitamins and minerals). I'm working to heal and support the organs (liver, gallbladder, etc.) as well as maintain some sort of hormonal balance. And all of this is NOT easy. It is very, very difficult and long, in fact. It is much longer for me than I ever thought it would be. But I have to believe that in time, my body will heal.