Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Journal and a Prayer

The world we live in today is so messy. It's amazing to me how many "answers" seem to be flying through the air like seagulls at the city dump.  The internet is bursting at the seams with it and we just can't buy into all the noise.

As we work to create meaningful, hopeful, healthy lives, we must somehow silence all the voices to find that place where our personal answers lie. The answers for me come as I write in my journal to get it all out and then pray with a sincere heart to know what to do. I then go back to my journal to evaluate. I continue this process and pattern over and over. As I do this, I find that I am usually directed to know which books to study, which protocol to follow, and which voice to listen to. I know I've talked about prayerful journaling before, but it's because it has helped me so much and continues to be my main pattern for guidance.

Hands down, the best place for me to sort through answers to my problems is through prayerful journaling!!