Although I am a deeply spiritual person, I've also taken a "study it out" approach as I've worked to get better. I've tried to balance the concept of mind-body-and-spirit on my journey and the process of studying things out has been very helpful in many ways. I really believe that I wouldn't be functioning as I am today, if I hadn't studied things out. (I've actually pulled out of my last "sick phase" and am feeling better at the moment.)
Anyway, there have been things I have learned that have been important pieces on this journey, but there also comes a time when there is total information overload and it's all
There's only so much we can control. There's only so much we can take in. There's only so much we can do at any given moment. There's only so much we can process. There's layers upon layers of information. There's disagreements within the circle of even the smartest biochemists and doctors out there. AHHHHH! Humans are not robots and we have limitations that we have to be ok with.
We have feelings. We have families. We deal with social complexities. We have financial limitations. We have various physical limitations. We have layers of healing to work through. We have "life".
The reason this is on my mind today, is because I've been reading a lot about impaired liver detoxification and the methylation pathway. Basically, this is when the liver isn't able to do its detoxification job properly for one reason or another. Actually, I think there are probably many reasons why this happens and the reasons are just as frustrating as the solutions. The basic idea is simple, but when you dig deeper, it's utterly frustrating and confusing. If you have this, this, or this problem, you could take this, this, or this supplement, but you might have this, this, or this reaction, and it could be because of this, this, or this.......blah, blah, blah.
Don't get me wrong. I think it's helpful to know things. Knowledge can be power-but knowledge can also set the groundwork for fear, frustration, anxiety, hopelessness, and confusion. Those are things I am seeking to eliminate in my life!
So what's the answer?
I'm not exactly sure, except I do know that I always feel best when I quiet all the voices and wait for a sense of peace to return before I move forward. I seem to have to go through this process a lot when I have been studying. In the end, it seems that there's usually only a small piece of information for me to extract at any given moment (even if I have taken in huge amounts). People have plenty of opinions. People have plenty of answers. People have plenty of protocols, but I have found that no one has all my answers. No one.
I also know that it's important to remind myself that this process is not a race. I do not have to be 100% well by tomorrow. It's ok. It's ok to take small, baby steps toward healing while striving to maintain a sense of peace, gratitude, and calm as I journey. I continue to remind myself that there are three parts to the mind-body-spirit aspects of healing and as I choose to nurture the spirit, I am able to feel this greater sense of calm.