Wednesday, June 10, 2020

My Letter to God on Behalf of Religion

Dear God,

I don't know if you've noticed, but it's pretty messy down here. Every person that walks this planet seems to have a different idea about who you are and how we are to get to heaven.

Some of those differences are minor. Some, not so much.

Me, I pretty much had it all figured out by the time I was eight. I had my checklist in hand and was pleased with the fact that my life was mapped out to the finest of details.

But then, life happened.

And I began to see that there were inconsistencies and disagreements even among the leaders of my own church.

So I set out to find the Truth.

For years, I read.

I pondered.

I prayed and read some more.

And what I found out was that it's not so easy. It's not quite so black and white. It's not as clear as I was led to believe.

And so I'm left to wonder.

What am I to do?

Do I continue down this rabbit hole of mental chaos and torture?

Do I spend the limited years I have here in a nonstop cycle of debate and interpretation?

Do I continue to wrestle with questions that cannot possibly be answered?

I hope you will forgive me, but I can no longer keep up this pace.

Every hour that I spend in this never-ending spiral, could be spent caring for the sick, helping the poor, standing with the oppressed, loving my neighbor, and cultivating joy, peace, hope, and beauty the best way I know how.

So this is my choice.

I choose to surrender.

And give up the fight.

To know what is Right.

I'll let it all go and choose to believe

That I don't have to Know

In order to Love.

With love,

from Julia