Monday, June 30, 2014

I've Arrived!!

After more than a decade of working through the healing process, I finally found a pill that has done the trick. I'm all better!


I'm writing this today because of the frustration that I feel when I see people say that they found the one product that has cured them from all of their woes and they are now free to live a life of ease that you could experience too if you just took this product. Really?

Here are a few things that I believe to be true about the healing process:

1. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to this. There just is not. We are all different. We all have different bodies, minds, and spirits. We cannot say that our way is the right way for everyone.

2. There is no magic pill. I believe in keeping a nice, individualized "toolbox for wellness" that is filled with personal strategies and processes, rather than searching high and low to find that one magic pill that will do the trick all at once. This toolbox seems to evolve over time and doesn't look exactly like anyone else's toolbox. You've discovered products and processes that work for you and I've discovered products and processes that work for me. (I've also discovered many that don't work for me, but that's a post for another day)

While I don't believe in a "magic pill", I do believe that there are times when we discover a tool for our personal "toolbox" that seems to be an important piece that can really make a big difference in our wellness. I have certainly found of few of those and am grateful for them. There are a lot of wellness possibilities and approaches out there and it is up to us to study, pray, and work to discover what works best for us personally.

3. Wellness is a journey, not a destination. I can honestly say that I have improved dramatically over the past several years, but I can also honestly say that I really haven't "arrived" at total wellness. I believe in the principle of "improving" rather than "arriving". We're all working through the process of how to manage these imperfect bodies and I believe it takes time, effort, evaluation, honesty and working through layers in various areas of the mind, body, and spirit.

So, the next time I see someone claim that they have the "magic pill" for wellness, I'm just going to try to smile and simply remind myself of these things that I believe to be true instead.