Sunday, March 23, 2014

Letting Go of Fear

As I sit down to add a new post to this blog, I can't believe that it has been more than 2 1/2 years since I last wrote. It's strange. It's been on my mind, but I just haven't gotten to it. I've been forging ahead in various ways, working to maintain a life of healing, peace, joy, sharing, learning, growing, balance, and serenity.

But today, I feel the nudge to come back to it. I've been afraid to come back to it, really. I'm afraid that if I write about my healing journey, that somehow it will keep me in a stuck, sick place. I'm afraid that if I share my healing process, other people will get the wrong idea for some reason or another.  But I have to be ok with that.  People probably will get the wrong idea. That's life.

So I'm letting go of fear and I'm going to share my next chapter.

I should probably take a minute to sum up my last few years and to explain where I am at now. During these past few years I have truly learned to let go of the sugar and the other foods that trigger such horrible flareups in my life. I can honestly say that I have only eaten these foods a handful of times and EVERY time I have done so, I have gone right back to a flareup.  So I've learned that it just isn't worth it. Because I have been able to let go of these triggers, my health has improved quite a bit. So much so, that I have been able to live a somewhat normal life. But that's kind of where a problem has arisen for me. Because I have reached an acceptable level of health, it has kept me from moving on to the next level.

I can still only eat about five different foods. I still have some chemical sensitivity, although it has improved quite a bit. I still have infection and I am still afraid of killing off infection. It still makes me sick every time I go for it. I still react poorly to supplements. I know I'm not getting in all of the nutrients that my body needs to live the full and rich life I want. My hormones still need balancing.

I have dreams. I have big dreams. I have dreams that require a strong, healthy body. I have work to do.

So here I go. I'm going to get to work...right after our family trip to California to see a Jason Mraz acoustic concert (4th row)!!!!  :)